In the following review we write about the play "Light Fingers". The author is Peter Griffith. The story of the play tells us something about a boy who steals a computer because he hasn't got enough money. Furthermore he wants to be cool.

The story began with an advert for a new computer called "Eureka 17 QD". Dennis, the main character in the play, wants this new high technology PC. Therefore he asks his dad for money but his dad doesn't want to give him so much money. So Dennis decides to earn his own money. Unfortunately, his new job is not well-paid. That is why he decides to steal the computer together with a girl from his class. Regrettably, the plan fails...

In our opinion the play was nice to watch and the story was interesting. Besides, we are convinced that the actors had fun so they played natural. The only thing that wasn't so good was that the actors sometimes spoke with a crazy accent.

From all this it follows that watching the play "Light Fingers" is recommendable, especcially it's good for school. After we watched the play, we had the chance to ask the actors some questions about their lives and their job. The way we see it, this was good and very interesting.

All in all we can say that "Light Fingers" is really a nice play. But above all the actors are very talented and good in what they do.

Text by Marvin and Luca


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Auch die Goslarsche Zeitung berichtete vom Besuch des White Horse Theatres 2012, allerdings mehr vom ersten Stück des Tages: Piraten entern Sprachbarrieren

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